Spruce Springclean - New Clearance Deals

Hello lucky duckies!

Here in Northern California we've had one after another of rain and wind storms this past month, which was a bit scary and dreary, but other than losing one big tree limb, no damage or hardship. The silver lining is that everything is now lush and green, the drought avoided for another year, and hopefully less risky fire season as well. "The weather" is now always a conversation about how-bad-was-it instead of the old cliche it once was.

Yet at the same time, Mother Nature journeys around the calendar with the change of seasons just like she always has. This month of March will mark the official beginning of spring and here we're already seeing cherry and magnolia trees blooming, flowering bulbs opening, the early signs of spring and new life.

Days are lighter and longer, the mood brightened, and it feels like life is quickening its step and moving forward after a long, slow, slog. How are you feeling? Are we all ok?


In case you were off on some tropical paradise vacation and missed it, the new menu of spring scents was announced last month. All of the fresh new scents are in stock and ready to blossom in your shower: Petal + Blossom, Spring Rain, Sweet Dreams, and Wildflower + Fern. Starting your day awash in the scent of beautiful flowers and clean freshness is living the good life. Your winter weary soul (and skin) will thank you.


In the past I’ve always made little tiny experiment and test batches here when playing around with what I want to add to my seasonal soap menu. But the past few years I’ve made bigger batches and sold them at a discount price as “sale soaps.” And you know what? I think that makes a whole lot of sense. Because you get to try some of them and give me your feedback about what you like. And I get a better sense of what types of scents you guys are interested based on what sells out the fastest. It’s now a group project, not just my own guessing game.

This month I have 4 more scents to try: Bewitched Orchid, Starfruit Lemonade, Exotic Coconut, and Almond Milk + Cardamom. Click over to the SOAP page to read scent descriptions and learn more. They are listed at the discount price of just $4 each. And just a gentle reminder - I'd love to hear feedback, either good or bad. If you want to see something return in the future, I'm not the best mind reader - drop me a note!


I've just added a Clearance Sale page to the website with great deals on some accessories and other items. In an effort to simplify my product line and to clear space for new ideas, I've rounded up the last little half empty boxes of sample accessories I've collected - soap dishes, scrubby items, brushes. I've gathered up some remaining gift basket type containers too. And I'm putting the Dead Sea Salts on sale also - with all the current scents.  I've never done this before or had a clearance sale page, let me know what you think.

March to your own unique drummer this month. Breathe in the renewal of spring. Find happiness in the tiniest moments. And above all, rest deeply, dream sweetly and bring your best self out to play.

Heidi Risse

May your troubles be less and your blessings are more,
And nothing but happiness come through your door.

- Irish Blessing