December Gifting Tips


Greetings Soaplings!

After what seems like an eternity of Black Friday and Cyber Week hoopla, have you finished all your holiday shopping already? Or do you still need a small gift or two?

Here in Soaplandia we've been thinking that a gift of soap is just the ticket - the very epitome of the perfect gift: an every day, much loved, usable item yet taken to a higher standard of quality or uniqueness which your sweetie-pie or honey-bear might not splurge on for themselves.

Have you ever wondered if giving soap as a gift might send a different (not so pleasant) message? We decided to break down what giving the gift of soap really means. Hint: it's not dirty. It's more like . . . you're special and you're worth it. You enjoy the finer things in life on a daily basis. I love you and want to pamper you. All good stuff.

Ok then, so you've decided that yes indeed, the gift of real soap is the way to go. But the next step is how to decide which scent to choose for each and every Who in Whoville? We've got you covered there too, with all kinds of handy suggestions.

Or you've chosen a whole pile of lovely smelling soap bars, and they're sitting in a corner, awaiting their moment to be boxed up, gift wrapped and delivered. But where and how should they be stored all month so they're still at their peak of freshness and glory? Here's our cheat sheet of tips on storing soap. There's a science to this.


Because this can't be said often enough - thank you for all of your loyal business and support all year! After 23 years in this biz, you all are like family to me and I wouldn't be able to do this work without you. I am sincerely grateful for each and every one of you.

Wishing you and all your dear ones the very merriest of seasons. Cheers to clean living in 2020!!

Heidi Risse

Christmas is full of shiny things
That sparkle, gleam and glow;
These holiday pleasures hassle us,
And yet, deep down, we know . . .

That Christmas has its special gifts,
But our year-round joy depends
On the cherished people in our lives,
Our family and our friends.

- Joanna Fuchs