New shop in Seattle


Hey Seattle local people! Soapworks Studio has a new shop location right in Seattle. What?! I know! It’s been such a long time in the making. You all have asked me for years (*years*!) if my products were somewhere in town to stop by and pick up. 

Well, now I can finally say yes. You can find some of my line - soaps, salves, bath salts and a few sprays - at Crackerjack Contemporary Crafts in Wallingford. Second floor of the the Wallingford Center, in the sweetest little handcrafted artist boutique shop ever. So chock full of gorgeously handmade gifts, jewelry, clothing, crafts, decor and more. 

There is even parking there in the lot. So you can stop by any time, pick up, sniff, stock up, all the things you haven’t been able to do lately since I’ve moved south. Feel free to call if you are looking for something special. 

Find out more about Crackerjack Contemporary Crafts here:

Keep this in mind as the holidays get closer. You can probably do one-stop-shopping for all your gifts at this one place. 

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